In re-enabling devices, you can just re-enable some of your existing, previously disabled devices, or you can additionally order some new ones, to cover for any new needs in your fleet.

1. Re-enable existing Devices

If you want to re-enable some of your previously deactivated devices, all you have to do is:

  1. Visit the Modify Subscription Portal (Fig.4a)

  2. Increase the number of active devices to the desired number (Fig.4b), and 

  3. Select which devices you need to re-enable (Fig.5). 




Select a device to re-activate for each corresponding slot (Fig.6).


If the number of devices you selected in Step 2 (Fig.4b) exceeds the number of devices you already have at hand, we will send you some additional devices, as required (Fig.7).


Re-enabling any devices you might have on the shelf, will require reinstating subscription payment for these devices (Fig.8). That’s so we can also re-enable your SIM card for data exchange.


2. Re-enable existing Devices and order some new ones

If you want to re-enable some of your previously deactivated devices and add some new ones at the same time, all you have to do is:

  1. Visit the Modify Subscription Portal (Fig.9a)
  2. Increase the number of active devices to the desired number (Fig.9b), and
  3. Select which devices you need to re-enable (Fig.10). 




Select a device to re-activate for each corresponding slot (Fig.11).


Re-enabling any devices you might have on the shelf, will require reinstating subscription payment for these devices (Fig.12). That’s so we can also re-enable your SIM card for data exchange.

There will also be an additional fee to include your new devices and their subscription fee, according to your subscription plan.
